Welcome to the first issue of Rocket Simulator P.S. (a.k.a. RocketSimPS) - Where rocket engine and space vehicle development highlights are handpicked for your enjoyment.
In this issue, dive deep into the mechanics of rocket propulsion, the latest in civilian space exploration, and finally, a dose of nostalgia.
Into the Turbine Ravine
Developing Meco has taken me deep into the mechanics of Turbomachinery, so I thought, why not share what I've learned in an easily digestible manner?
And a Crew Jumps Over dearMoon
There are many doubts about if the dearMoon mission will ever take off, but one thing is for sure, this latest announcement makes it a little more likely. In any case, it is good publicity for Starship, which can't hurt.
Meet the dearMoon Crew! — dearmoon.earth Meet the crew joining Yusaku Maezawa on this lunar mission aboard SpaceX's Starship
A Real-Time Simulation of a Time Gone By
I was pleasantly surprised by the detail and thought put into this "simulation" of Apollo 17
Apollo 17 in Real-time — apolloinrealtime.org A real-time interactive journey through the last landing on the Moon. Relive every moment as it occurred in 1972.
Onward to Early Access!
A quick take on my thoughts and what's happening behind the scenes of Meco’s development.
State of The Sim - Year 2 Month 11 - Meco Rocket Simulator — www.mecorocketsimulator.com Jan 17, 2020, was the date I started this project. It has been a long, arduous journey but often rewarding. …
Thanks for being part of this journey. Until next time... We have MECO.